I see London, I see France, I see model underpants!

This was not new to me though, the last show I went to Motorola dressed the girls in some scantily clad outfits. One thing that I will forever remember was when the girl was just walking down the runway, dipped her hand deep down in her bikini bottom and out popped a flip phone(probably set on vibrate lol) opened it and showed the crowd. Really now Motorola, I'm sure you can do better than that.. tsk tsk.
Click here for the rest of the post.

Umm, the skinny girl who "needs to eat some food" is a man, just fyi.
what? somebody posted a comment already? I just made the post and was fixing the formatting :p My apologies if things were ugly and out of place.. they probably still are but its the best I can do.
lol she does look like a man.. and that would explain a lot but alas it isn't so.
So here I am admiring the beautiful women and clothes and then I get to the anorexic picture and I almost barf.
Sad what women do to themselves somethings...that's why we all need a little popeyes every now and then...
They should admit her immediately. She cannot be for real. Who using photoshop??? :o
looking at her she looks like shes the same girl in the first picture.. as I said.. as I said maybe its just her horrendous pose and not cute outfit :p
everybody just a draw down pon di girl so.
Y'know...is plenty times I'm in JA and see grown women with nuff hair underneath dem arm and pon dem leg.
I'm not trying to be funny, but I think this shaving of body parts is something from the newer generations...
Y'all should leave the bonefull chik alone. She in my class and she's a hott girl.
@SE.. sounds like you guilty of sporting a fro :p it's all good.
@tami: Hi.. thanks for passing by, I read your blog too :p
we dont need to tell the bonefull girl we talking about her online right? no need to hurt anybody's feelings.
I was there too, I sure I saw youpass one a di time dem. My camera couldn't get them kinda pics at all :(.
The models look better on stage than they do up close. Saw them before the short and I like :(
aaaaahhhh! My eyes!
Hi Adrian.. jus passing by to maco yuh blog :)
I enjoy the whole fashion ray ray.. its all so otherworldly.. pity I missed this show..
nice pix..
when my rebel xt gets here you all die. :p.. um.. that girl you think she did her body like that intentionally? as in really i dont think people would do that to them self..
whoa, she needs to eat some good dumpling and yam and all the rest of it
so you come over here to pop style on me with your not even landed yet rebel xt? lol
don't worry.. dslr is in my future(distant) too :p
That girl is now officially famous :) apparently everybody else is chopped liver.
Lody Lordy...I going shut my mouth. SE you see why I say I need a moniker and no location!!!
I saw this post Adrian but never realised there were more pictures! I just saw the read more link and THEN I saw the famousness.
Umm...anybody know the name of the hairy underarm designer? I kinda like her clothes - me being a rasta an all!! LOL LOL
Wonder if shi cudda post any to mi if I buy...but NOT the blue swimsuit!! LOL Maybe it's haute couture and looks better in front of the eyes....huh Adrian? :)
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