I am showing signs of being burnt out, yesterday was Tuesday but when work called at 5:30am I was convinced it was Saturday. I looked at my phone it said Tuesday.. still not convinced I went to my PC it said Tuesday too... where did the weekend and Monday go? It was nice waking up so early in the morning though, it gave me time to relax, eat breakfast and watch some TV instead of the usual rush to get ready and leave for work.
I went to my office uptown and spent a couple hours there, it only take me 5 minutes to reach work up there and it is free flowing all the way against the traffic so I smiled to myself as I drive by people stuck in long lines of bumper to bumper hell. After traffic died down I left to go to corporate building and spent some time there before going downtown to my main office for lunch. I have to pass through some locations and make my presence felt or people might feel I don't need my shit anymore and steal things from my desks. I am still loving the freedom to choose where I want to work for the day.
Later on in the night I went to a launch party with wifey for some model search competition.. Talk about carrying sand to the beach, the place was packed with girls dressed to the bone and only a handful of men. I'm serious when I say the ratio was something of the order of 20+ girls for 1 man.. Too bad wingman wasn't there, I'm sure even he could have gotten a girl there last night. Anyway I had to call it a night early as I got a call from work and I was on standby.
Needless to say wifey wasn't too happy about us leaving early but hey work is work, it pays the bills. This is my second straight week of standby and I'm possibly in for a third if my boss flies out next week. The money is more than welcome as my car insurance is due in a few weeks and I'm sure after the last incident the premiums will be nothing short of fantastic.
2 days ago
20F:1M.. Good Lord Why did i not know of this event :(... it makes me sad. I go out ma way. I develop a wonderful website for events.. and promoters dont add it.. Then i dont know whats going on.. Then i miss out on shit like that..
20F:1M.. Good Lord Why did i not know of this event :(... it makes me sad. I go out ma way. I develop a wonderful website for events.. and promoters dont add it.. Then i dont know whats going on.. Then i miss out on shit like that..
how do you always get invited to these happy occasions?
The key is wifey isn't it? It is she who has the connections.
I cant say I know the feeling all too well of getting up early for work. Work for me begins in the afternoon anytime after 12. On the other hand, being in a work environment until 12am @ night, I guess nodding off on the job and really wanting to just hug your pillows and sleep might just be the same kinda feeling!
So what, Wingman have woman problems... How you loud him up so on the blog? Him must vex!
damn! damn! damn, who knows about these things? same thing with that miss jamaica thing at ?soviegn? mall :(
Damn it Adrian hook a fellow blogger up! I need to be at these events!
I never want to be on standby, there is nothing I hate like having my sleep disturbed. I'll stick with the overtime that I have in abundance.
see adrian the people have spoken.. and furious they are. you know what you must do.. .. insert plug here... just add them dammit. lol
lol it looks like the male bloggers wanted to be there.. well it was an invi only event, hush :p
@gc: yep.. wifey was key so I had to carry sand to the beach.
@stunner: I love me some sleep too.. I'm not sure if I'd trade the standby for overtime, some weeks standby can be very quiet
funny that the wifey was upset leaving early....how things change.
Please tell me you tokk some pictures Adrian. Please.
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